We wanted to send a brief update to our players and families regarding COVID-19 and a return to play date.
We are currently awaiting more direction and information from Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada and other sports leagues and associations to determine a safe date that we can return to training and practice.
Our previous return to play date of April 4th will be pushed back indefinitely until further notice. We want to get back to training as soon as possible and we are prepared to do so ASAP. Our members health and safety remain our top priority.
We are working to revise our practice, training and events schedules for the coming months. We ultimately won’t be able to finalize an updated schedule until we know a return to play date. Once we know this, an updated schedule will promptly follow. A quick update on upcoming spring events:
Youth Tryouts (March 28) – Postponed until further notice
Women’s Spring Training (April 4) – Postponed until further notice
Academy Practices – Postponed until further notice. Practices will resume once we can return to play and additional make up training dates added
Summer Camps – Still scheduled and registration open - https://www.edgelacrosse.ca/news_article/show/1095347
All Canada Games – Still scheduled and registration open https://allcanadagames.com/
Summer Tournaments – We have reached out to all summer events and at this time they intend to still host their summer events. We will be monitoring the situation in the US very carefully before determining our participation in each summer event.
We will continue to provide frequent updates as we work through this global pandemic and hope to return to play soon! Thank you all for your patience and support during this time. We hope you and your family are well and in good health. If there’s anything we can do to help in the meantime, please reach out to us.
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